This was such a fun family shoot! I got to do some outdoor pictures at a location that I have been wanting to do and then after we did some studio ones. I had WAY too many cute ones to choose from! I think she's going to have a hard time deciding which ones to print!
These little girls were so cute! The older one wasn't very interested in me after a little while, so we bribed her with food! I think I need to start buying all sorts of treats just for the kids I take pictures of!
We didn't think that we got ANY good pictures of the girls together because they didn't want to BOTH be happy at the same time, but I think this one is pretty cute! I love how she is licking her arm! Look at that long tongue!
The other day I got to play around and take some pictures of my mom and my little sister. Of course, I didn't like any of the ones that I was in! You'd think that being a photographer would make me more photogenic, but no, it doesn't! I can take pictures of other people, but when it comes to
My little sister was trying on my mom's glasses. It's funny because my dad hates these type of glasses, but I convinced my mom to get them anyway because I thought they'd look cute on her! I think they look cute on Kaleigh too! My dad is just crazy! I liked both of these pictures so much that I had to include both of them!